Thursday 27 August 2015

She is Muniba Mazari

She is a motivational speaker, she is a content writer, she is an artist, she is a social activist, she is the first wheelchair-bound Tony and Guy model, she is the brand ambassador of The Body Shop Pakistan, she is the first wheelchair-bound Pond's Miracle Woman, she is Muniba Mazari!

Muniba Mazari-inspiration on a wheelchair-makes us believe that losing hope is not an answer to any hurdle. One has to believe in one own-self and should not be caged by different distractions floating in the way of the life’s goal. That’s how she thinks, that’s what she feels and that’s her approach towards life. Muniba Mazari known as a motivational speaker, content writer and a social activist, never dreamt  to be this, this was never her prime purpose of life. What made her to be this? What made her life creates so much positivity that it radiates through her personality who ever she meets?! When you meet her, you want to be like her, you want to think like her. What makes her so perfect? Let’s find out!

Seven years back when she was travelling from Quetta to Baluchistan (her hometown), within seconds her life changes, she met a deadly car accident. The accident was so tragic that half of her body was paralyzed and half of it was fractured. Some of the main organs of her body were badly injured following that she had a major spiral cord injury due to which she lost her two limbs. This changes her life completely. Above that all, people who were close to her, left her instead of being with her at that difficult time. She suffered both emotional and physical pain.During all this tribulation experience, she thought to paint, she discovered her talent in a hospital, and made her first painting with a deformed hand. But when she sat on a wheelchair for the very first time, she looked up in a mirror and said to herself "I can't wait for a miracle to happen." And since then she has never looked back. She knew if she won’t be able to help her own self, then nobody will. She told the audience in one of her motivational speeches "I couldn’t find a hero, so I became one."

When people are not backing you and are not with you, you feel lost and devastated, but when even a single person is standing with you, supporting you through your highs and lows, it gives you strength. Such people are blessings from the Almighty. When she was going through all this dreadful process, there was one person, who was there, helping her, knowing what she is actually going through, who was just there 24/7.Who was that person?! Yes, she was her mother! As Muniba said in one of her interviews "My mother is the real iron lady, Allah has poured just a few drops of her in me." She further added "The lady who never cried in front of me." Her mother gave wings to a woman who is now the symbol of individuality, bravery, determination, empowerment and self-believe. Her mother truly summarizes the meaning of motherhood.

Some people take years to explore what they want from life, and some people never discover that and then there are some people who go through some heart wrenching experiences. She was asked ‘What is the one thing you found about yourself after the accident?" She answered "I found myself.'' Muniba went through an excruciating experience, but that made her brave, made her strong, made her know who is actually standing with her, made her know what her goal in life is. She spreads positivity, happiness and smiles. She doesn’t make an effort to do that, she is that. She is Muniba Mazari!


  1. Allah bless you and your family..

  2. I just heard your interview BBC. As a muslim we are going through many negative news. Story like your life , inspired me. I have one autistic 8 yrs old son. I understand more about disability. YOU are truly a blessing for this world when you said your first 20 yrs of your life you have done nothing.

  3. urgent question is that what we get...from everything for everything ,,great works going stay blessed.
